Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Consolidation of Morning Healthchecks into one global view.

One of the challenges of monitoring environments are the diverse methods in which health-check reports are generated and gathered via emails in outlook.

This is an Excel/Outlook combined Application developed to consolidate all the different emails which are received every morning from the various clients/environments in different formats.

Having it all summarized in one place, and with one screen to view, one can quickly pick up inconsistencies and exceptions across all methods.

Here are the different sources that covers the last 24 hours:
1.    a Microsoft SCOM health-check script (see here)
2.    Service Desk Call logging System summaries
3.    Top 5 alerts (from SCOM)
4.    An in-house Application which generates a summary of issues across all servers.

In outlook, it consists of:

1.    A VBA script which saves the emails and extracts the attachments.
2.    A rule that triggers the script on the relevant emails.

There is no manual intervention. The spreadsheet updates itself when opened.

So instead of reading through many emails. the Spreadsheet provides a single screen summary of all the information spread out in emails.